أطباؤنا المتخصصون

الحصول على تشخيص دقيق يمكن أن يساعد في فهم الأسباب المحتملة للأعراض الموجودة.

Dr. Mohammed Abu Eleneen

Mohamed Abo ELenen is a specialist otolaryngologist at Dar Afia Hospital.

Dr. Abo Elenen has his Medical Degree from Egypt from the Mansoura Faculty of Medicine in 2009 and Egyptian Board of Otorhinolaryngology (2019),

Dr. Abo Elenen has experience Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, endoscopic surgery also he has experience in endoscopic vocal cord polyp excision- Repair and fixation of nasal bone fractures – Beautification of the roof of the throat and treatment of snoring – Laparoscopic removal of vocal cord polyps.

ENT Specialist

Dr. Hussain Almarhoun

We are committed to your health and well-being, offering the very latest in comprehensive evidence-based care.

Dental Specialist

Dr. Zainab Al Turaiki

We are committed to your health and well-being, offering the very latest in comprehensive evidence-based care.

احجز موعد

الحصول على تشخيص دقيق يمكن أن يساعد في فهم الأسباب المحتملة للأعراض الموجودة.

ساعات العمل

من السبت إلى الخميس

الدمام، المملكة العربية السعودية